Test Mode Reading Mode Right = 0 Wrong = 0


All Question - (32)

Created: 5 years ago | Updated: 5 months ago
Updated: 5 months ago
Created: 5 years ago | Updated: 5 months ago
Updated: 5 months ago
when A is smaller than B
B is smaller than C
C is smaller than D
D is smaller than E
Created: 5 years ago | Updated: 1 year ago
Updated: 1 year ago
D is cleverer than C
C is cleverer than B
A is cleverer than C
E is not cleverer than D
Created: 5 years ago | Updated: 1 year ago
Updated: 1 year ago
All are incorrect
the second q
the ninth
the seventh
none of these
the fift
the ninth
the third
the sixth
Created: 5 years ago | Updated: 1 year ago
Updated: 1 year ago
N is in row 2
Q is in row 1
S is in row 3
None of the above
Created: 5 years ago | Updated: 1 year ago
Updated: 1 year ago
All are incorrect
Created: 5 years ago | Updated: 1 year ago
Updated: 1 year ago
Either Maths or Bangla
Either Science or Civics
Either Science r Bangla
Either Science or English